Is your electricity costing you more than you'd like?
Take control of your Electricity.
Now is the time to gain freedom from your utility and receive predictable rates for years to come. As electricity rates are rising the cost of solar panels have never been lower. GridZero creates home solar panel systems that are optimized for efficiency, durability, service, and value. Switch to home solar and save with GridZero.
Did you know?
Solar power can significantly reduce the electricity bills. Moreover, there are many tax incentives and rebate programs designed to spur the use of solar, and save home owners money at the same time.
How Solar Power works
for homes
The benefits of Solar power:
Power savings:
The cash formerly spent on hydro will stay in your pocket longer.
Reduced CO2 Footprint:
You'll be saving the environment daily, without noticing!
Low Maintenance Costs:
Solar energy systems generally don’t require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean, so cleaning them a couple of times per year will do the job.
Brands We Trust:
What do homeowners think?
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Get in touch with us
Are you ready to modernize your house? Save on Bills? Save the planet? Contact us below you request your very own Quote!